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Few more bits to add , some possibly large some small . #steelflowers #steelart #gardensteelsculptures ...

53 1

Who doesn't like a bouncing dragonfly / set of stilsons on a Saturday. ...

78 4

Parts hauler today . ...

56 8

Mr Choppy choppy the 100+ year old saw moaning about cutting angles .
Intermediate gearbox box section cutting today , steel supplier could only cut 1 end to the angle I wanted . So needs must ......
#rapidorsaw #manchestermajor

97 7

Squashing parts that probably nobody needs , just because I can . #arborpress #flypress #porsche911 #912porsche ...

89 5

Camber nut tool based on the original VW one . Had to adjust mine a few years ago , what a pain that was .
All gone off now for plating , but due back next Thursday.

86 9

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