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Because carburettor mixture screws can be a pain to get to . So you use what you find in the metal scrap bin . #scrapmetal #dellortodrla ...

183 16

Always worth checking the jets size wise , got caught out before on my webers , 3 at 115 and 1 drilled out to 175 .
These dell's mains stamped 122 but measure more like 135 . So some new jets on order I'm thinking . #nevertakeitforgranted

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#splitscreenvw #vwcamper #splitscreenownersclub ...

50 3

Just in from the powdercoaters , early 911 912passengers side footboards in aluminium then powdercoated satin black , held in place with a shallow formed location washer . #911swb #911porsche #912porsche #912outlaw #912club #912registry #912swb ...

37 1

Batch of 12v split bus wiper motors sorted , pergola wood coming in for home jobby . ...

34 0

Sun's out rude not to take it out for a run . ...

80 6

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